Friday 25 November 2016

Three Essential Workout Plans For Women At The Gym

If you love going to gym, no doubt you could be more popular for that course now. Gym offers you great support, loads of exercise as well as change of staging from home workouts to newer environments. Some of the women gym workout plans are wittingly aimed at quelling boredom. However, fitness and workout experts have settled that not all machines in the gym are fit to use, unless you are a newbie. Everyone go to the gym with a purpose and if you happen to meet a professional instructor, the following workout plans for women at the gym cannot miss in your routine.

Ball Cable Fly

Load both sides of the cable crossover machine with 10-20 pounds. Adjust both pulleys to their lowermost spots then attach each one with a handle. Put the stability ball in between the pulleys, and then hold each handle in hand while lying with your shoulder blades at the middle of the ball. Stretch your arms at the level of shoulder outwards to the sides and the elbows bent somewhat and palms facing up the ceiling. Raise your hips to allow the body to make a line from knees to head. This gym workout plan for women is effective for shoulders arms and biceps.

Suspended Supine Row

Anchor a TRX Suspension Trainer or the War Machine to a solid strong object above appending handles at a waist’s height then have the releases locked. Grab each handle on different hand, spread your arms then walk feet frontward to allow the body align from head down to the heels while hands placed over the chest and palms opposite one another.  Bend your elbows right back, and draw the hands towards the chest, then extend your arms to the initial spot.

Lat Pull Down

Attach a lengthy bar to the cable add-on and hold on to it with both of your hands placed 1-2 inches apart from the center of the bar and palms facing front. Gently lean back with your hands straight, chest lifted and abs in full engagement then begin pulling the bar to your chest. Hold it for one count then return it to the initial position. You can challenge yourself by using a wider grip to ensure effectiveness in exercising the latissimus dorsi or lats and biceps. These workout plans for women at the gym aids in reducing injury risk, at the same time improves your look in any strapless dress.

Thursday 17 November 2016

The Best Exercise Programs For Beginners

There are certain guidelines that work best for nearly all beginners. Any exercise programs for beginners have to follow these guidelines; higher frequency, full body split, low volume, a little exercise, basic compound exercise no advanced techniques and much focus on consistence in progress. Here is a complete 4 weeks gym program for beginners.

Week One – Whole in One

In the first week, it’s about full body training split, where you have to train all the major parts of the body in every workout. Train for three days only out of the first week as you will need to perform only one exercise for each body part in every session. You need a resting day for the body to recuperate. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday will be good days for training leaving Saturday and Sunday as days of resting. 

Week Two – Split Decision

Note, you are just a week old in this program, however you start training various parts of the body in different days but ensure a 2-days training split. The whole body have to be trained in two days unlike one in week one. This time, four days of training out of the whole week and the split is 2-days (Monday/Thursday) for upper body and 2-days (Tuesday/Friday) for lower body with each part of the body trained twice. The remaining days are for body recovery. 

Week Three – Three on Three

The program is now stepped up into 3-day workout split; you train all the pushing body parts like shoulders, chest and triceps. On the first day, work out the pulling part of the body such as back and biceps. On the second day, hit the lower body on parts like glutes, calves and hamstring and like week two, work each part of the body twice so you will be at the gym for six days and rest on Sunday. 

Week Four – Turning Up the Volume

In this week, you train for four days only in a way that works each part of the body just once. You train fewer lower body parts like 2-3 a week giving ample attention to the muscle group, thus allowing you to train with higher volume. Triceps and chest paired like back and biceps and quads with hamstring. Shoulders are worked out on their own while calves and abs are alternated. No new exercise is introduced in this week, so you only have to get serious on the already learnt exercise programs for beginners. And now, you are not a beginner. 

Friday 4 November 2016

How to Get In Shape For Women

If you are wondering how to get into shape for women, you should notice that there are no shortcuts or real secrets. In order to get your desired fitness, you will need to engage in many hours of fitness workouts. This is on top of creating a healthier lifestyle irrespective of whether you are male or female. It is advisable to select activities that you enjoy for your workout and ensure that you engage in them as often as possible.

Step 1

You will need to begin by assessing your current levels of fitness. This will make it possible for you to track whether you are making any improvements. Ensure that you run, jog or even walk for a mile and time the period of time that it takes. Count also the number of situps, pull-ups, pushups that you are able to perform. Measure the chest, hips, waist and thigh with the use of a measuring tape. You will then need to note down this information in your fitness journal together with the date. You should then engage in this test in 2 weeks from now and again in a period of 6 weeks. In case there is a fitness routine that you have been sticking to, ensure that there are some significant changes that you can see.

Step 2

Look for a friend who is ready to go with you on this fitness journey. When you have that consistent social support, this can be a good indicator of the level of success in the fitness program and can be a good motivation to help you show up even when you thought of skipping out. This may also encourage you to get into a friendly competition to get an idea of the person who is able to meet your goal faster.

Step 3

Ensure that you have enough time for getting into shape. However, you should avoid worrying if all you can manage is a period of 15 minutes over your lunch break. Engaging in cardios for a period of 30 to 60 minutes and for 5 days in a week is a good idea. However, it is important to do what is necessary. Ensure that you g in activities that you enjoy and in the exercises that are the most effective for burning calories such as swimming, running, Zumba, jumping rope, dancing etc. If you find that none of these activities excite you, you can engage in any kind of movement and it will assist you to get into shape.

Women have a lot of activities in their lives such as household responsibilities and child-rearing and these can make it difficult for them to exercise. This is the reason why many women are overwhelmed. However you don’t need to beat yourself up and you should instead engage in the activities that you like to do and you will not only feel better about them but you will be able to stick to those activities.

Step 4

Include strength training in the routine for 2 days in a week. A good idea may be to work with a personal trainer or use the circuit training machines. Free weights can also go a long way in ensuring that you engage in a workout for the whole body that ensures that all the major group of muscles go through the full range of motions. If you happen to be a woman who isn’t ready to get into the gym as you are afraid that others will see your body, you can still engage in the strength training routine at the comfort of your living room. All you will need is some dumbbells and engage in weight-bearing workouts.

Include these 4 simple steps in your workout training routine for women to get in shape. To get more effective gym workout plan for women join today!

Thursday 27 October 2016

Gym Workout Schedule For Beginners

If you are looking forward to packing some serious mass & carves on the abs, there is need to have some realistic goals. No matter how good your gym workout for beginners is, it is important to avoid expecting some overnight miracles. However, the good news is that you will need to learn the right form as well as the basic safety rules to ensure that you do not get injured later as you start to push some heavier weights.


When working put as a beginner, it is advisable to ensure that you train more frequently as compared to the intermediate as well as advanced trainers. This is because as you gain more experience, it will be possible for you to push the muscles harder and cause some damage that can take longer to recover. The beginners will usually become sore but they will bounce back as the muscular damage will not be very severe.

In case you are flinching as a result of the word damage, you need not to worry. As a bodybuilder, getting some little muscle damage will do you no harm as this will serve to nudge the body to not only recover but to also overcompensate as a preparation for the future workouts. In fact bodybuilding involves making a single step forward and another one backwards . This is the reason why sleep and rest are quite important as this is the time that the body engage in the steps forward.

Therefore, rather than training each of your group of muscles once in a week, it is advisable to begin with a schedule for twice in a week. This is on top of the fact that you can split your body into 2 separate days. During the first day, you can workout the upper body with the exception of the abs. On the second day, you can workout the power body. Since the goal is to train each of your muscles twice in a day, it means that you can do day 1 & 2 on Monday & Tuesday, for instance.

You can again workout on day 1 & 2 on Friday and Saturday and leave the rest of the days for relaxation and rest. For the following week, you should begin with the Monday-version of your first day. Do not forget to include water as part of your workout. In case you get dehydrated, this will affect your ability to function in the right way.

To get effective gym workout schedule for beginners, Join Today!

Friday 14 October 2016

Abs Workouts Routine For Women At Home

Some women don’t understand why their tummies remain slack even after working hard in the gym. Day to day activities determine the firmness of your belly. For example sitting on a chair all day long impairs the shaping of your abs. Also remaining in a single position while sited tightens your stomach muscles making it so hard to compress the abs. Here are the best exercises you can do at home to get your tummy in great shape.

Climbing up motion

  • Take a long scarf, wrap it around the middle of your right foot and lie down while facing up. Bend your knees and let your left foot stay on the floor.
  •  With your hands, hold the two sides of the scarf and lengthen your right leg. Ensure that your foot is stretched.
  •  Make your hands move up along the scarf while lifting your shoulders and head from the floor. Then, hold up for a few seconds after five counts.
  •  Reverse the process and go back to your original position.
  •  Repeat the exercise using the scarf on your left foot.
  •  Do a set of about ten reps before you rest.

The abs twist

  •    Sit down on a flat ground, stretch your legs and bring them tightly close.
  •    Be slanted back from your hips at an angle of forty five degrees.
  •    Engage your abs and move your arms such that they overhang above to resemble a ballerina.
  •    Gently curve your body in the clock- wise direction while your left arm reaches overhead in a slow motion.
  •    Make the same movement as you keep your left arm, heels and the bottom on the ground.
  •    You should contract the abs so that the spine is supported when returning to the center and as you pull your arms up above.
  •    Keep doing this as you alternate sides in two sets of eight reps each side.

Leg stretch

  •  Lie aback while bending your knees. Tilt your head and the shoulders up and entwine the chin towards the chest.
  •  Breathe in as you bring the left knee close to the chest. The left hand should be placed on the ankle while the right hand resting on the knee.
  •  Lift up your right leg from the floor at forty five degrees angle.
  •  Shift the legs and switch the position of the hands every time you do the exchange.
  •  For every side, make five to ten reps.

Cobra move

  •    Lie down on your stomach and put your palms close to the chest.
  •    Raise your chest, shoulders and head off the floor.
  •    After two counts, hold up and then go back to the start. You may do ten reps.

For more effective abs workouts routine for women at home, Get in touch with MP45!

Friday 30 September 2016

Gym Workouts For Women To Lose Weight

When you hear women talking of weight loss, what they are referring to is loss of fat. If you would like to effectively lose fat, a good idea would be to get into the gym. The two most important exercises that can help women to lose weight are strength training and cardio. When these are combined with restricted calories, it is possible to see your desired results.

Strength training

Many women agree that strength training is a challenge for them. However, the fact of the matter is that strength training can do for them something that no other exercise including cardio can do; it helps them build lean muscles. When the body is able to build lean muscles, it means that it will be possible for it to continue burning calories even after working out and this will not call for extra effort from you.

In order to begin with weight training, all you need to do is to choose your desired method; group classes, machine or free weights. Group classes are a good option if you are a beginner as you will get instructions on how to perform resistance training and in the right way and thus prevent injury. Before you can start your own individual machine or free weight training, it is advisable to seek the help of a trainer. Vinyasa yoga or Pilates are also some good option to consider in weight training.

A good idea would be to engage in 3 sessions of weight training in a week. Sessions lasting for 30 minutes can be enough to enable you see results. Ensure that you perform each of these exercises for 3 sets of 10 reps and take a break that last for one to 3 minutes for every set.


While many women are aware of cardios, they don’t perform them in the right way. The role of cardio is to cause the body to get into a fat burning overdrive as long as you engage in the right intensity and at the right duration. Each cardio session for losing fat should last for 40 minutes.

Sample workout

A good idea that will help you to see results is when you combine strength training with cardios. This will ensure that you burn the most calories possible. In case your intake of calories remain constant, you are likely to see results when you engage in a workout that combines these two exercises.

For a most effective gym workout for women to lose weight, Get in touch with today!

Thursday 15 September 2016

How to Get Ripped; The Right Foods to Eat

How To Get Ripped

Even if you are lifting weights as one way on how to get ripped, this will not help you at all if you don’t have the right diet. Even where you think that you are consuming everything right and taking all the necessary supplements, there are a few adjustment that you can make to ensure that your reach your goal faster. It is important to understand the foods that you need to consume in your workout to get ripped. Here are some of them.

Olive oil

One of the key factors that is involved in the breakdown of muscles is a cellular protein that is known as tumor necrosis factor-a. This is also responsible for increasing inflammation and breaking down muscles by promoting catabolism in the muscle cells. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats which acts as the anti-catabolic nutrients and therefore help to prevent the breakdown of muscles as it lowers the tumor necrosis factor-a levels.


Like you may already know, muscles are usually made of around 80 percent water. This means that water should be a key part in the buildup of muscles. There are various studies that show that protein synthesis which is responsible for the buildup of muscles occurs at a higher rate in the muscle cells when they are hydrated in the right manner. When you are not properly hydrated, the body will be slower in using the protein that is necessary in generating of muscles. This is on top of the fact that dehydration only serve to impair the anaerobic work and this causes increased demand on the aerobic metabolism.


Like you would guess, it is necessary to consume carbs after working out to ensure that the glycogen stores replenish. You should also ensure that you consume carbs that help the body digest all the necessary proteins.


These should be a key part of your diet if you would like to become stronger. This is due to the fact that beets have high amounts of betaine, a nutrient that is necessary for increasing the muscle strength. This is on top of enhancing joint and liver repair. However, it is worth noting that Betaine doesn’t increase the muscle mass but can help you to perform more reps and also add some weight.


This is a good choice for individual who want to increase their protein consumption. When you consume a Pacific oyster that has 6 ounces, you will be getting 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of fat. However, oyster also contain zinc, a key mineral in the protein synthesis.

With high fiber diet, It is also important to follow gym workout plans or exercises to get in shape fast. To know more "How to get ripped body", follow!