Showing posts with label Womens Gym Workout Plan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Womens Gym Workout Plan. Show all posts

Friday 25 November 2016

Three Essential Workout Plans For Women At The Gym

If you love going to gym, no doubt you could be more popular for that course now. Gym offers you great support, loads of exercise as well as change of staging from home workouts to newer environments. Some of the women gym workout plans are wittingly aimed at quelling boredom. However, fitness and workout experts have settled that not all machines in the gym are fit to use, unless you are a newbie. Everyone go to the gym with a purpose and if you happen to meet a professional instructor, the following workout plans for women at the gym cannot miss in your routine.

Ball Cable Fly

Load both sides of the cable crossover machine with 10-20 pounds. Adjust both pulleys to their lowermost spots then attach each one with a handle. Put the stability ball in between the pulleys, and then hold each handle in hand while lying with your shoulder blades at the middle of the ball. Stretch your arms at the level of shoulder outwards to the sides and the elbows bent somewhat and palms facing up the ceiling. Raise your hips to allow the body to make a line from knees to head. This gym workout plan for women is effective for shoulders arms and biceps.

Suspended Supine Row

Anchor a TRX Suspension Trainer or the War Machine to a solid strong object above appending handles at a waist’s height then have the releases locked. Grab each handle on different hand, spread your arms then walk feet frontward to allow the body align from head down to the heels while hands placed over the chest and palms opposite one another.  Bend your elbows right back, and draw the hands towards the chest, then extend your arms to the initial spot.

Lat Pull Down

Attach a lengthy bar to the cable add-on and hold on to it with both of your hands placed 1-2 inches apart from the center of the bar and palms facing front. Gently lean back with your hands straight, chest lifted and abs in full engagement then begin pulling the bar to your chest. Hold it for one count then return it to the initial position. You can challenge yourself by using a wider grip to ensure effectiveness in exercising the latissimus dorsi or lats and biceps. These workout plans for women at the gym aids in reducing injury risk, at the same time improves your look in any strapless dress.