Showing posts with label Gym workout plan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gym workout plan. Show all posts

Thursday 12 January 2017

The 3 Transcendent Gym Workouts For Abs

You can push your abs to their limits and beat up the excess belly fat with 3 unconventional workouts that not only give you strong muscles, but also reduce back pain increase agility and flexibility. Do not worry about how hard the workouts are; focus on the outcome and quality matters more than quantity. If you do a million crunches, please stop doing this because you back might be endangered. Rather, calm down and target to reap most out of every single repetition. At a slow pace with intense effort, quality moves are built which in turn led to desirable abs of your dreams.  

 1.   Spiderman Plank Crunch

One stays in a plank position. Forearms are placed on the floor while maintaining a straight torso position. The right knee should be brought forward near the right elbow and then the body taken back to the initial place. This process is repeated using the left side of the body. This counts for the first rep. nine more reps should be one on alternate sides. The experts will tell you that this exercise is a special case that engages the whole core muscles. It is a workout that does not need any equipment and it touches the posterior and anterior abdomen- the obliques, lower back, and the rectus abdominis. It is the most convenient exercise that can be performed at any place. 

 2.   Cable Rotation

A cable is taken as one stands and held in both hands at the front of the body and shoulder high. The arms are fixed as they stay straight while the abs engaged. The upper torso is twisted to the left side, and then back to the starting position. The same thing is done on the right side. Ten repetitions are necessary in this exercise. The obliques are the main focus in this workout and the sports that need this exercise include golf, baseball, tennis, and racquet.  The optimal results are achieved by relating the cable rotation so to the sport-specific motion. 

3.    Bicycle Crunch

One lies on the while the hands put behind the head. The legs are lifted and curved at an angle of 90°. Sides are alternated by taking the right elbow close to the left knee while the left elbow to the right knee. This is done for a whole minute.  The crunch must be held on each side for a count of two in order to get a slow but intense motion. All abs sections are hit during this exercise concurrently. It is like a assimilation of normal crunch with oblique movements and lower abs exercises. 

These three exercises are the ideal gym workouts for abs transformers. 

Friday 9 December 2016

Factors When Setting Goals For The Gym Workout Plan For Men

The first thing to ensure a successful gym training lies in the design of your gym workout plan. It is a personal decision, and you are the determinant of its success or complete failure by the steps you will be taking during the beginning. Your plan will depend on the reason you want to enroll to the gym because each has a different approach. If you intend to lose weight, build your muscle, just maintain your health or just tone up, you need a particular type of workout. With personal difference among each one of us,  you need a personalized one focusing on your needs. Understand the following approaches when setting up goals for the gym workout plan for men.

Accountability; You need to hold yourself accountable because it is a journey you set up yourself to. Keep encouraging yourself as you stick to the gym workout plans you have developed because it is the only way to get results. Get motivation from others in the gym sessions and form a community that will keep encouraging each other, sharing your concerns and set the target to achieve after each session. 

Realistic expectations; It calls for much dedication and time to get the results you want after starting the sessions. It is a shift from your usual lifestyle and may take time for your body to adapt and adjust to the new workout routine. Make realistic expectations in exact timelines because you cannot expect to lose over 15 pounds after just working out for one week. It is a continuous journey that is done in steps and taking advanced workouts before the right time is an exact recipe to strain your body likely to lead to body injuries that will halt your efforts at the gym. You may want to look like another person in the gym, but you totally have no idea when he started the gym sessions or the goals he is after.

Making it full of fun;  designing an exciting gym workout plan for men is the best way to exercise without making it look like a punishment or a struggling affair. Opt for a dance class, or a sport that involves your friends or family members. That is why yoga and Zumba are becoming popular workouts in recent times as they are engaging and full of fun. The classes are managed by professionals who offer guidance and encouragement throughout.

The above approaches are designed to keep you going and remain motivated when a thought of quitting comes across your mind. It is doable so, start today.

Thursday 17 November 2016

The Best Exercise Programs For Beginners

There are certain guidelines that work best for nearly all beginners. Any exercise programs for beginners have to follow these guidelines; higher frequency, full body split, low volume, a little exercise, basic compound exercise no advanced techniques and much focus on consistence in progress. Here is a complete 4 weeks gym program for beginners.

Week One – Whole in One

In the first week, it’s about full body training split, where you have to train all the major parts of the body in every workout. Train for three days only out of the first week as you will need to perform only one exercise for each body part in every session. You need a resting day for the body to recuperate. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday will be good days for training leaving Saturday and Sunday as days of resting. 

Week Two – Split Decision

Note, you are just a week old in this program, however you start training various parts of the body in different days but ensure a 2-days training split. The whole body have to be trained in two days unlike one in week one. This time, four days of training out of the whole week and the split is 2-days (Monday/Thursday) for upper body and 2-days (Tuesday/Friday) for lower body with each part of the body trained twice. The remaining days are for body recovery. 

Week Three – Three on Three

The program is now stepped up into 3-day workout split; you train all the pushing body parts like shoulders, chest and triceps. On the first day, work out the pulling part of the body such as back and biceps. On the second day, hit the lower body on parts like glutes, calves and hamstring and like week two, work each part of the body twice so you will be at the gym for six days and rest on Sunday. 

Week Four – Turning Up the Volume

In this week, you train for four days only in a way that works each part of the body just once. You train fewer lower body parts like 2-3 a week giving ample attention to the muscle group, thus allowing you to train with higher volume. Triceps and chest paired like back and biceps and quads with hamstring. Shoulders are worked out on their own while calves and abs are alternated. No new exercise is introduced in this week, so you only have to get serious on the already learnt exercise programs for beginners. And now, you are not a beginner. 

Thursday 27 October 2016

Gym Workout Schedule For Beginners

If you are looking forward to packing some serious mass & carves on the abs, there is need to have some realistic goals. No matter how good your gym workout for beginners is, it is important to avoid expecting some overnight miracles. However, the good news is that you will need to learn the right form as well as the basic safety rules to ensure that you do not get injured later as you start to push some heavier weights.


When working put as a beginner, it is advisable to ensure that you train more frequently as compared to the intermediate as well as advanced trainers. This is because as you gain more experience, it will be possible for you to push the muscles harder and cause some damage that can take longer to recover. The beginners will usually become sore but they will bounce back as the muscular damage will not be very severe.

In case you are flinching as a result of the word damage, you need not to worry. As a bodybuilder, getting some little muscle damage will do you no harm as this will serve to nudge the body to not only recover but to also overcompensate as a preparation for the future workouts. In fact bodybuilding involves making a single step forward and another one backwards . This is the reason why sleep and rest are quite important as this is the time that the body engage in the steps forward.

Therefore, rather than training each of your group of muscles once in a week, it is advisable to begin with a schedule for twice in a week. This is on top of the fact that you can split your body into 2 separate days. During the first day, you can workout the upper body with the exception of the abs. On the second day, you can workout the power body. Since the goal is to train each of your muscles twice in a day, it means that you can do day 1 & 2 on Monday & Tuesday, for instance.

You can again workout on day 1 & 2 on Friday and Saturday and leave the rest of the days for relaxation and rest. For the following week, you should begin with the Monday-version of your first day. Do not forget to include water as part of your workout. In case you get dehydrated, this will affect your ability to function in the right way.

To get effective gym workout schedule for beginners, Join Today!

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Want to Get Ripped? Here Are The Foods To Eat

Many people draft workout plans to get ripped but the funny thing is that, they do not have any clue when it comes to the type of foods they need to adhere to.

 If you are one such person, you should stop living in ignorance and learn about the ideal foods that are recommended for you. These have been clearly outlined below.

Sweet potatoes

As much as you know it as one of the locally available foods, it has its benefits when it comes getting ripped. One other great advantage is that, sweet potatoes are cheaper and therefore, can be afforded by many people. These are carbohydrate foods and therefore, they give strength to train harder and eventually lose weight. Moreover, they contain fibers that are important in aiding movement of food in the intestines. Fibers add to the bulk of food and aid it to move swiftly along the intestines.

This helps to prevent stomach upsets that might disrupt your training and also improves absorption of food into the circulation.


This is not ranked among foods but is an essential component of the diet that every training person needs to take in plenty. Water contains mineral salts that aid in the body metabolism. Moreover, it contains ions that are important in the electrolyte balance in the body. 

To add on these, water is a media in which metabolic reactions take place and it helps in mixing of food to aid in its digestion and absorption.


This is a simple fruit that you will find almost everywhere. You do not have to be from a royal family in order to get a taste of it. One great benefit of this fruit that many people are still naïve about is that, it is very effective when one wants to get ripped faster. Lemons have chemicals that speed up metabolic processes in the body which eventually lead to great loss of fats. 

Therefore, instead of visiting your doctor to be given those harmful synthetic drugs, you can try out something that does not have any side effects at all. Moreover, lemons are cheaper and readily available on the market.


Although some people have bad attitude towards eggs, they are great protein rich foods that when taken in appropriate amounts can help one to get ripped at a much accelerated rate. Only those who feed on excess eggs face challenges because they cannot achieve this goal. You therefore need to adhere to the right quantity in order to be on the safer side.

Green vegetables

Although there are many types of vegetables, the most common ones are kales. You can simply purchase them from the nearest market and enjoy. Therefore, as you learn how to get ripped, you should not forget about them.

Get more interesting information from mp45.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

The Best Gym Workout Plan For Beginners

There are many people who want to gain the strength and lose weight by employing top rated workout programs. Depending on whether to exercise the entire body, the chest, the back or the thigh muscles, you have to make the right choice. You do not have to worry about this. All you have to do is to ensure that you have the right things at the right time. In your exercise, there are three key things that must be put in place, provided one wants to get the best. These are as illustrated below:

Proper feeding

You need to make sure that you have a balanced diet, which can help you feed properly. This is very key for any serious athletic person because it helps in the growth of the body tissues such as the muscles and therefore, one becomes stronger and healthier. A balanced diet is basically a combination of a carbohydrate, a protein, vitamin food and a mineral food. Therefore, make sure that each of these is present.

Length of exercise

There are people who believe all exercises are supposed to end at the same time. This is totally untrue. Depending on the length of time you have been working on it, there is need to make sure that you set off with the lowest time and then as you become professional, you will be able to increase this to a greater number. Make sure that you have workout programs which can guide you on how long you should exercise each day.

Resting time

In order to exercise well and gain the greatest, you need to make sure that you are able to get some rest. People who work continuously are known to feel so much tired and therefore, they find it so hard to exercise the following day. Make sure you rest.

For more information about top rated workout programs, Keep your eyes on mp45.

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Choosing the best Gym workout plan - MP45.COM

Everybody wants to start going to the gym in order to build up the biceps, triceps and other body muscles. A work out plan is, however, very key to every person who wants to achieve the best upshots at the end of everything. It should not be a great deal to you. Simply adhere to the following program:

Create a meal plan
Here, you do not have to consume a healthy gym-related meal every day, but rather, you only have to do it by weekly. This will automatically aid you accomplish all your goals without encountering a difficult moment. Such include lean meat, fruits and vegetables among other foods. First, let this drive you for once a day and later, introduce two such meals.

Starting frequency
When you start the gym, that is, whether male or female, you have to commence at a relatively lower but later on, progress to higher levels. For instance, two days are enough to carry the gym in a week. Once you have gained maximum experience and you have gained strong muscles, you can then increase the number of times you are doing this in a day.

Alternating The Exercises
In this case, you do not have to cohere to only one set of practice, rather, you have to perform one set at a time. Once you have made this a routine exercise, you now have to continue with it for at least one month. At this time, you have to maintain your balanced diet so that your body is not adversely affected by the practice. For more ideas on choosing the best gym workout plan, you should get in touch with MP45.