Thursday 15 September 2016

How to Get Ripped; The Right Foods to Eat

How To Get Ripped

Even if you are lifting weights as one way on how to get ripped, this will not help you at all if you don’t have the right diet. Even where you think that you are consuming everything right and taking all the necessary supplements, there are a few adjustment that you can make to ensure that your reach your goal faster. It is important to understand the foods that you need to consume in your workout to get ripped. Here are some of them.

Olive oil

One of the key factors that is involved in the breakdown of muscles is a cellular protein that is known as tumor necrosis factor-a. This is also responsible for increasing inflammation and breaking down muscles by promoting catabolism in the muscle cells. Olive oil contains monounsaturated fats which acts as the anti-catabolic nutrients and therefore help to prevent the breakdown of muscles as it lowers the tumor necrosis factor-a levels.


Like you may already know, muscles are usually made of around 80 percent water. This means that water should be a key part in the buildup of muscles. There are various studies that show that protein synthesis which is responsible for the buildup of muscles occurs at a higher rate in the muscle cells when they are hydrated in the right manner. When you are not properly hydrated, the body will be slower in using the protein that is necessary in generating of muscles. This is on top of the fact that dehydration only serve to impair the anaerobic work and this causes increased demand on the aerobic metabolism.


Like you would guess, it is necessary to consume carbs after working out to ensure that the glycogen stores replenish. You should also ensure that you consume carbs that help the body digest all the necessary proteins.


These should be a key part of your diet if you would like to become stronger. This is due to the fact that beets have high amounts of betaine, a nutrient that is necessary for increasing the muscle strength. This is on top of enhancing joint and liver repair. However, it is worth noting that Betaine doesn’t increase the muscle mass but can help you to perform more reps and also add some weight.


This is a good choice for individual who want to increase their protein consumption. When you consume a Pacific oyster that has 6 ounces, you will be getting 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of fat. However, oyster also contain zinc, a key mineral in the protein synthesis.

With high fiber diet, It is also important to follow gym workout plans or exercises to get in shape fast. To know more "How to get ripped body", follow!

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