Showing posts with label Gym Workout Plans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gym Workout Plans. Show all posts

Thursday 17 November 2016

The Best Exercise Programs For Beginners

There are certain guidelines that work best for nearly all beginners. Any exercise programs for beginners have to follow these guidelines; higher frequency, full body split, low volume, a little exercise, basic compound exercise no advanced techniques and much focus on consistence in progress. Here is a complete 4 weeks gym program for beginners.

Week One – Whole in One

In the first week, it’s about full body training split, where you have to train all the major parts of the body in every workout. Train for three days only out of the first week as you will need to perform only one exercise for each body part in every session. You need a resting day for the body to recuperate. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday will be good days for training leaving Saturday and Sunday as days of resting. 

Week Two – Split Decision

Note, you are just a week old in this program, however you start training various parts of the body in different days but ensure a 2-days training split. The whole body have to be trained in two days unlike one in week one. This time, four days of training out of the whole week and the split is 2-days (Monday/Thursday) for upper body and 2-days (Tuesday/Friday) for lower body with each part of the body trained twice. The remaining days are for body recovery. 

Week Three – Three on Three

The program is now stepped up into 3-day workout split; you train all the pushing body parts like shoulders, chest and triceps. On the first day, work out the pulling part of the body such as back and biceps. On the second day, hit the lower body on parts like glutes, calves and hamstring and like week two, work each part of the body twice so you will be at the gym for six days and rest on Sunday. 

Week Four – Turning Up the Volume

In this week, you train for four days only in a way that works each part of the body just once. You train fewer lower body parts like 2-3 a week giving ample attention to the muscle group, thus allowing you to train with higher volume. Triceps and chest paired like back and biceps and quads with hamstring. Shoulders are worked out on their own while calves and abs are alternated. No new exercise is introduced in this week, so you only have to get serious on the already learnt exercise programs for beginners. And now, you are not a beginner.