Showing posts with label Gym Workout Routines For Women. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gym Workout Routines For Women. Show all posts

Friday 25 November 2016

Three Essential Workout Plans For Women At The Gym

If you love going to gym, no doubt you could be more popular for that course now. Gym offers you great support, loads of exercise as well as change of staging from home workouts to newer environments. Some of the women gym workout plans are wittingly aimed at quelling boredom. However, fitness and workout experts have settled that not all machines in the gym are fit to use, unless you are a newbie. Everyone go to the gym with a purpose and if you happen to meet a professional instructor, the following workout plans for women at the gym cannot miss in your routine.

Ball Cable Fly

Load both sides of the cable crossover machine with 10-20 pounds. Adjust both pulleys to their lowermost spots then attach each one with a handle. Put the stability ball in between the pulleys, and then hold each handle in hand while lying with your shoulder blades at the middle of the ball. Stretch your arms at the level of shoulder outwards to the sides and the elbows bent somewhat and palms facing up the ceiling. Raise your hips to allow the body to make a line from knees to head. This gym workout plan for women is effective for shoulders arms and biceps.

Suspended Supine Row

Anchor a TRX Suspension Trainer or the War Machine to a solid strong object above appending handles at a waist’s height then have the releases locked. Grab each handle on different hand, spread your arms then walk feet frontward to allow the body align from head down to the heels while hands placed over the chest and palms opposite one another.  Bend your elbows right back, and draw the hands towards the chest, then extend your arms to the initial spot.

Lat Pull Down

Attach a lengthy bar to the cable add-on and hold on to it with both of your hands placed 1-2 inches apart from the center of the bar and palms facing front. Gently lean back with your hands straight, chest lifted and abs in full engagement then begin pulling the bar to your chest. Hold it for one count then return it to the initial position. You can challenge yourself by using a wider grip to ensure effectiveness in exercising the latissimus dorsi or lats and biceps. These workout plans for women at the gym aids in reducing injury risk, at the same time improves your look in any strapless dress.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Full Body Workout Routine For Women

Getting into the gym is by itself a great step if you would like to get into shape. However, most women are usually skeptical when it comes to lifting weights. This is despite the fact that doing so comes with its own benefits. After a couple of weeks, women end up being more confident, see some great results and allow themselves to enjoy the entire process.

Weight training & cardio for women

The goal of most women who are trying to work out is to tone their body, get a butt that is bigger and lose their belly fat. In the process of weight training for women, we can emphasize on these areas even as we emphasize on some other key group of muscles. You should bear in mind that the entire body requires to be toned if you are looking forward to a more balanced look on top of enjoying the full benefits that come with strength training.

Cardio plays an important role in the delivery of oxygen to the muscles and for shedding fat to ensure a slimmer and toned look. No matter the cardio that you are engaging in, ensure that you start with a speed that is slower before increasing your activity after every two minutes until you have reached your desired level. This is what is known as warm up. To ensure that everything is easy, there are several efforts that are needed on each day of the exercise routine.
  •     An effort level of 6/10. This should enable you to breathe in a steady manner but deeply at the same time so that you can speak an entire sentence without any difficulty.
  •     An effort level of 8/10. This should enable you to breathe heavily and be able to say a few words with a bit of difficulty.
After this, you should be able to cool down even as you decrease the speed after every 2 minutes until you have cooled down sufficiently. The warm up as well as cool down count when considering the total cardio time. A good workout program for the whole body should include:
  •      Weight training for 5 days
  •      Rest of 2 days
Train using moderate & heavy weight in order to get toned

When people talk of toning, what they are saying is that they would like to get a bit of muscles but not too much of it. They think that when they engage in long repetitions, this can provide them with a body that is toned. However, the fact of the matter is that a toned body actually means that you have strong muscles with a percentage of body fat that is lower. This ensures that you get that toning effect. Therefore, one of the key factors when it comes to toning is nutrition on top of the workout. When you lift heavy/moderate weights accompanied with some short periods of rest, it becomes possible for you to cut your levels fat.

Aim for a rep range of 10 to 12

Now that you already understand that you need to become fit, you will need to work out the muscles in an effective way. If you are to do this, you will need a rep range of between 10 and 12 reps. This will play an important role in giving the muscles a good definition. When considering the body weight workouts that do not need weights, it is possible to increase the rep range.

When considering the body weight exercises that don’t need weights, you can increase your rep range. Since you aren’t limited by a set weight amount, you will only be going through a certain motion of an exercise such as flexing as well as relaxing muscles. While these do not need a lot of effort, they are a good choice for strengthening as well as toning of muscles.

A good idea would be to increase you range of reps during warm-ups. Ensure that you use less weight, during warmup. The goal of warm is to get your joints and muscles active and also used to the particular range of motions that you will be doing and this helps to reduce the injury risk. For full body workouts routine for women, get in touch with MP45.