Showing posts with label Get In Shape. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Get In Shape. Show all posts

Friday 4 November 2016

How to Get In Shape For Women

If you are wondering how to get into shape for women, you should notice that there are no shortcuts or real secrets. In order to get your desired fitness, you will need to engage in many hours of fitness workouts. This is on top of creating a healthier lifestyle irrespective of whether you are male or female. It is advisable to select activities that you enjoy for your workout and ensure that you engage in them as often as possible.

Step 1

You will need to begin by assessing your current levels of fitness. This will make it possible for you to track whether you are making any improvements. Ensure that you run, jog or even walk for a mile and time the period of time that it takes. Count also the number of situps, pull-ups, pushups that you are able to perform. Measure the chest, hips, waist and thigh with the use of a measuring tape. You will then need to note down this information in your fitness journal together with the date. You should then engage in this test in 2 weeks from now and again in a period of 6 weeks. In case there is a fitness routine that you have been sticking to, ensure that there are some significant changes that you can see.

Step 2

Look for a friend who is ready to go with you on this fitness journey. When you have that consistent social support, this can be a good indicator of the level of success in the fitness program and can be a good motivation to help you show up even when you thought of skipping out. This may also encourage you to get into a friendly competition to get an idea of the person who is able to meet your goal faster.

Step 3

Ensure that you have enough time for getting into shape. However, you should avoid worrying if all you can manage is a period of 15 minutes over your lunch break. Engaging in cardios for a period of 30 to 60 minutes and for 5 days in a week is a good idea. However, it is important to do what is necessary. Ensure that you g in activities that you enjoy and in the exercises that are the most effective for burning calories such as swimming, running, Zumba, jumping rope, dancing etc. If you find that none of these activities excite you, you can engage in any kind of movement and it will assist you to get into shape.

Women have a lot of activities in their lives such as household responsibilities and child-rearing and these can make it difficult for them to exercise. This is the reason why many women are overwhelmed. However you don’t need to beat yourself up and you should instead engage in the activities that you like to do and you will not only feel better about them but you will be able to stick to those activities.

Step 4

Include strength training in the routine for 2 days in a week. A good idea may be to work with a personal trainer or use the circuit training machines. Free weights can also go a long way in ensuring that you engage in a workout for the whole body that ensures that all the major group of muscles go through the full range of motions. If you happen to be a woman who isn’t ready to get into the gym as you are afraid that others will see your body, you can still engage in the strength training routine at the comfort of your living room. All you will need is some dumbbells and engage in weight-bearing workouts.

Include these 4 simple steps in your workout training routine for women to get in shape. To get more effective gym workout plan for women join today!