Showing posts with label jacked. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jacked. Show all posts

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Want to Get Ripped? Here Are The Foods To Eat

Many people draft workout plans to get ripped but the funny thing is that, they do not have any clue when it comes to the type of foods they need to adhere to.

 If you are one such person, you should stop living in ignorance and learn about the ideal foods that are recommended for you. These have been clearly outlined below.

Sweet potatoes

As much as you know it as one of the locally available foods, it has its benefits when it comes getting ripped. One other great advantage is that, sweet potatoes are cheaper and therefore, can be afforded by many people. These are carbohydrate foods and therefore, they give strength to train harder and eventually lose weight. Moreover, they contain fibers that are important in aiding movement of food in the intestines. Fibers add to the bulk of food and aid it to move swiftly along the intestines.

This helps to prevent stomach upsets that might disrupt your training and also improves absorption of food into the circulation.


This is not ranked among foods but is an essential component of the diet that every training person needs to take in plenty. Water contains mineral salts that aid in the body metabolism. Moreover, it contains ions that are important in the electrolyte balance in the body. 

To add on these, water is a media in which metabolic reactions take place and it helps in mixing of food to aid in its digestion and absorption.


This is a simple fruit that you will find almost everywhere. You do not have to be from a royal family in order to get a taste of it. One great benefit of this fruit that many people are still naïve about is that, it is very effective when one wants to get ripped faster. Lemons have chemicals that speed up metabolic processes in the body which eventually lead to great loss of fats. 

Therefore, instead of visiting your doctor to be given those harmful synthetic drugs, you can try out something that does not have any side effects at all. Moreover, lemons are cheaper and readily available on the market.


Although some people have bad attitude towards eggs, they are great protein rich foods that when taken in appropriate amounts can help one to get ripped at a much accelerated rate. Only those who feed on excess eggs face challenges because they cannot achieve this goal. You therefore need to adhere to the right quantity in order to be on the safer side.

Green vegetables

Although there are many types of vegetables, the most common ones are kales. You can simply purchase them from the nearest market and enjoy. Therefore, as you learn how to get ripped, you should not forget about them.

Get more interesting information from mp45.

Friday 4 March 2016

How To Get Ripped in a Month

Many dieters out there are wondering how to get ripped in a month. With so many weight loss programs out there all promising excellent results, this question can seem difficult to answer. However, there are some simple steps that you can use to ensure that you get abs in a month. Let us look at a few of them.
The diet is a key component if you are looking forward to getting ripped fast. You will need to make a careful choice of your nutrients. When seeking for carbohydrates, you can consider the complex carbs such as potatoes, yams, brown rice, sweet potatoes and whole grain bread. One of the reasons why these are a good choice is that they digest slowly and this means that it will take longer for the body to digest them. This is a good thing as it takes longer for the body to digest them.
You will also need to make the right choice of proteins. These include turkey, egg whites, fish, chicken, deer, buffalo and other sources of red meat. 
If you are wondering how to get lean, cardiovascular exercises can be a great option for becoming lean. You can do this in different ways, but the most important thing is to ensure that you engage in mid to high impact interval training.
Weight training
This is also an important part in weight training. It is quite an important aspect. You will not get ripped by having your cardio as well as diet down.
For more ideas on how to get ripped abs fast, you should get in touch with MP45