Thursday 26 January 2017

What A Gym Beginner Should Know

As a beginner, there are various reasons as to why you’ve decided to start a gym program. Some of the reasons could be to reduce weight, get a well-toned body or for medical reasons. Whatever the inspiration, the workout schedule for beginners is entirely almost similar. Trainers understand that the body has the ability to adapt to different situations. When drafting a good workout plan for a beginner, it is factored in that the body in the initial duration of training can prove to be resistant. For example, a beginner can only be able to do two complete rounds, in a football field, in the initial stages. This is because the muscles do not yet have the endurance needed to run more than two rounds. 

A gym program for beginners is much different from that of an advanced one. It involves less intense workouts and less duration of workouts. There are some principles that ought to be adhered to by every beginner. These maxims enable one to get the best out of the program. 

When an activity becomes a habit, you tend to do it well and better. Going to the gym should be made a habit. If for example, you decide to go to the gym three times in a week, you have to stick to that otherwise you end up postponing until it no longer becomes a priority. After the first few tries at the gym, most people give themselves breaks from their program. This brings about lack of motivation and eventually the idea of attending a gym becomes nonexistent. Use of reminders can help a lot. As a beginner, having someone who’s more experienced as an inspiration and a role model can help.

To achieve the best, consistency should be observed. When you decide to do particular exercises, do them to your best. If your program states that today you should do 20 pushups, you should strive to achieve that. If tomorrow, you’re expected to add 5 more pushups, it should be so. Maintaining discipline enables you to follow your program to the letter.

A gym program for beginners should include the following important exercises.

  • Squats: there are different kinds of squats one can perform. These include box squat, front squat and goblet squats.
  • Pulling exercises: they are good for a full body workout. Examples are barbell rows, pull-ups and chin-ups.
  • Pushing exercises: they comprise of landmine press, military press and bench press variations.

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